
Residential Architecture 

Commercial Design


If you want to add to your existing structure, 汤姆会和你一起创造你想要的空间,同时确保增加的部分符合线条, overall flow, and form of your existing house. 汤姆认为,最好的增建部分通常是对现有结构的补充和融合,就像它们是原建筑的一部分一样.

一种越来越受欢迎的项目类型是改造房子以容纳多代人. 如今养家糊口的人被称为“三明治一代”.“许多家庭在抚养孩子的同时也照顾父母. 汤姆可以帮你改造房子,使之能容纳三代人住在一个屋檐下. Strategies include adding a first-floor bedroom, first-floor laundry room, a separate private entrance for the grandparents . . . there are so many unique solutions. 汤姆会为你和你的家人制定一个最适合自己的计划.

Addition in Hyde Park, Residential Architecture
Two-story addition in Hyde Park



Earlier in his career, 汤姆参与了包括养老院在内的各种商业项目, restaurants, gas stations, churches, tenant build-outs, and train sheds. 最近,他为Loveland的市政部门设计了新的办公楼和车库/存储空间,并为Mariemont的公园和游泳池设计了庇护所和洗手间设施.

Public Park Shelter Mariemont Wilcox Architecture
Nolen pavilion in Mariemont

Interior Renovations

就像扩建和新建房屋一样,装修也有多种形式和规模. 不同之处在于,作品被保留在原结构的范围内. 有时候,一处房产的分区不允许增建, 有时候,改善现有空间的功能会更有意义. 翻新通常是自土方工程以来最具成本效益的解决方案, foundations, exterior walls, and roofs are typically not involved. 简单地开放空间和重新配置交通流量是一种流行的装修,可以真正增加家庭价值,提高生活质量.

Interior Renovation Mt. Adams
Condominium renovation in Mt. Adams

Referral and Construction Coordination

汤姆是在该地区寻找承包商和分包商的宝贵资源. Over the years he has worked with many general contractors, plumbers, electricians, HVAC subcontractors, painters, masons, etc. as well as kitchen designers, interior designers, landscape architects, structural engineers, and other specialists. He is happy to refer competent craftsmen and consultants.

main bedroom suite addition Mt Lookout
Master suite addition in Mt. Lookout


Loveland Public Works Building
Loveland Public Works Building

A common project is the kitchen renovation. Oftentimes bearing walls and soffits need to be removed, plumbing, ductwork, and electric rerouted, 窗户开口和门道的移动都是为了实现房主的目标. Tom has helped many people acquire their dream kitchen. Depending on the complexity of the project, 有时汤姆会利用厨房设计师来完善空间的细节,比如帮你选择完美的电器, fixtures, hardware, cabinets, and countertops.

Kitchen by Wilcox Architecture in East Hyde Park
New kitchen in East Hyde Park
Loveland Public Works Building interior
Loveland Public Works Facility - Interior



Basement Renovation Mt. Lookout, Residential Architecture
Basement renovation in Mt. Lookout
New House OTR Tom Wilcox, Residential Architect
Tom and his daughter, Rae, 在辛辛那提的over - rhine (OTR)社区Elm街新建的两户住宅外,设计将现代绿色建筑材料和技术与周围建筑的美学和比例相结合. OTR是美国最大、最完整的城市历史街区之一.

New Construction

对于房主和建筑师来说,新房子是非常令人兴奋的项目. 汤姆鼓励他的客户列一张清单,列出他们想要的梦想之家的所有东西. 他建议收集照片,并记下你希望在新家拥有的特征和任何特殊细节.

地盘分析-包括勘测、地盘排水、分区问题等.—is very important, and needs to happen first. 汤姆在这方面很有经验,有一群可靠的顾问可以在需要的时候求助. After the best way to address the site is determined, Tom will work closely with you to design your new home. 汤姆非常强烈地认为客户在房子的设计上应该有尽可能多的发言权. 他肯定会指出行不通的地方,或者提供更好的解决方案. 他的想法会被纳入,但如果每个人都参与进来,这将是一个更好、更令人满意的项目.

当建造和支付项目费用的现实出现时, Tom will guide you through the process of contractor selection, cost estimating, 并智能调整范围或设计(如有必要),以达到一个负担得起的, attainable solution

Historic Preservation

Cincinnati is a city rich with pockets of beautiful, old neighborhoods and a variety of architectural styles. Tom有与城市历史保护办公室和各个市政建筑审查委员会合作的经验,以确保他的客户能够获得翻修或增加其历史住宅所需的批准和/或变更. 汤姆的设计在辛辛那提的许多历史街区都得到了批准, 以及一些有自己历史法规的社区. No matter where the project is, 他出色的研究和准备工作使业主了解情况,并使他们对当地规划委员会批准的项目有一个现实的期望.

Garage addition in Walnut Hills
3-car garage addition in historic East Walnut Hills