



如果要添加到现有结构中, Tom will work with you to create the space you want while making sure that the addition follows the lines, 整体流, 和你现有房子的形状. Tom believes that the best additions usually complement and blend into the existing structure as if they were a part of the original building.

A project type that’s becoming more popular is modifying a house to accommodate multiple generations. People raising families today have been called the “sandwich generation.” Many families are raising their children while also taking care of their parents. Tom can help modify your home to accommodate three generations living under one roof. 策略包括在一楼增加一间卧室, 一楼洗衣房, 一个单独的私人入口给祖父母 . . . 有很多独特的解决方案. Tom will create a custom plan that works best for you and your family.




在他职业生涯的早期, Tom worked on a variety of commercial projects including nursing homes, 餐厅, 加油站, 教堂, 租户扩建项目, 火车棚. More recently he designed new buildings to house offices and garage/storage space for the municipal department in Loveland as well as shelters and restroom facilities for the public parks and pool in Mariemont.

公园庇护所Mariemont Wilcox建筑事务所


Like additions and new homes, renovations come in many shapes and sizes. The difference is that the work is kept within the confines of the original structure. Sometimes the zoning of a property won’t allow an addition to be built, and sometimes it just makes more sense to improve how an existing space functions. Renovation is often the most cost-effective solution since earthwork, 基金会, 外墙, 屋顶通常不涉及. Simply opening up spaces and reconfiguring traffic flow is a popular renovation that can really add value to a home and improve the quality of living.

室内装修. 亚当斯
蒙特娄的公寓改造. 亚当斯


Tom is a valuable resource for finding contractors and subcontractors in the area. 多年来,他与许多总承包商合作过, 水管工, 电工, 暖通空调分包商, 画家, 石匠, 等. 还有厨房设计师, 室内设计师, 景观建筑师, 结构工程师, 和其他专家. 他很乐意推荐有能力的工匠和顾问.

Mt .的主卧套房. 注意



一个常见的项目是厨房装修. 通常需要拆除承重墙和拱背, 管道, 管道系统, 电力改道, window openings created and doorways moved to accomplish the homeowner’s goals. 汤姆帮助许多人拥有了他们梦想中的厨房. 取决于项目的复杂程度, sometimes Tom will utilize kitchen designers to refine the details of the space such as helping you select the perfect appliances, 固定装置, 硬件, 橱柜, 和工作台面.



Basement renovations are a great way to add living space to your house to fit a growing family or changes in your lifestyle without having to do major construction. 

地下室改造Mt. 瞭望台,住宅建筑
Mt地下室改造. 注意
新住宅OTR Tom Wilcox,住宅建筑师
汤姆和他的女儿, 雷, outside a newly built two-family home on Elm Street in Cincinnati's Over-the-Rhine (OTR) neighborhood designed to blend modern green building materials and technology with the aesthetics and proportions of the surrounding buildings. OTR is one of the largest, most intact urban historic districts in the United States.


New homes are very exciting projects for the homeowner and the architect. Tom encourages his clients to make a list of everything they want in their dream home. He suggests collecting pictures and keeping notes of the features and any special details you would love to have in your new home.

Site analysis—including survey, site drainage, zoning issues, 等.这是非常重要的,而且需要首先发生. Tom is very experienced with this and has a stable of trusted consultants to turn to when needed. 之后网站地址的最佳方式就确定了, 汤姆将与你密切合作设计你的新家. Tom feels very strongly that the client should have as much say as they want in the design of the house. He’ll definitely point out things that don’t work, or provide solutions that work better. His ideas will be incorporated, but it’s a better, more satisfying project if everyone is involved.

When the reality of building and paying for the project comes in, 汤姆将指导您完成选择承包商的过程, 成本估算, and smart adjustments to the scope or design (if necessary) to reach an affordable, 可实现的解决方案


辛辛那提是一个盛产美女的城市, 古老的社区和各种建筑风格. Tom has experience working with the city’s Historic Conservation Office and various municipalities’ architectural review boards to ensure that his clients can get the approval and/or variances needed to renovate or add on to their historic home. Tom has had designs approved in a variety of Cincinnati’s Historic Districts, as well as several communities with their own historic regulations. 无论项目在哪里, his excellent research and preparation keep the homeowners informed and gives them a realistic expectation of what will be approved by the local planning board.
